Friday, May 13, 2011

Sandwich Creations

I rarely blog about work.  This is because this blog is really about family.  But this very rare entry is special because my typical work day was about family. 

Once a year, I invite the elementary school student council to my campus to work with my student leaders.  For the first time, both the older boys were part of that process.  The big one is in 6th grade and is in my leadership class (that changes the dynamic of who I am and how I teach, by the way.  His presence simply makes me a better person, therefore a better teacher.)  The middle one is part of the student council at the school next door.

During their visit, the big kids facilitate games and activities, so the little kids can get a glimpse into middle school life, school spirit, and leadership.

One of the activities is to make a sandwich and sit with a friend.  (Kids buy- in so easily when there is food involved)  The sandwich creations have gotten more and more unusual over the years, so I thought I would post just a couple to share with the virtual world out there. 

Yup, it's weird and it probably isn't very good (or healthy)  But one day, my boys will forget what they ate that day or if it was good, but they will not forget that - for that hour - they were together and part of something special, with me, at the place that I work.  That memory is enough to get me to eat a sandwich with melted gummy bears, peanut butter, and ham.