The Virginia Aquarium and Marine Science Center in Virginia Beach, VA.
My boys are water people. I learned this very early when, at age three, my 11 year old got in the water without a floaty to "swim." Of course, he hadn't had lessons yet, so he couldn't swim. But he was fearless and soon learned on his own. Since then, it's hard to keep the boys out of the water. Little fish, I like to call them. They also love sea life.
We visited the aquarium on a recent visit to Virginia. It's a hands on, interactive museum complete with an IMAX theatre and great examples of sea life. All my boys enjoyed seeing the sharks, jelly fish, and turtles. We watched a quick file on the life of a polar bear and I almost cried. Love those furry killers.
Watching Tanked and Fish Tank Kings has given me a better appreciation of what kind of care it takes to take care of a fish tank. We've had a tank in our home for 14 years, but it hasn't been until recently that I have really come to appreciate the time, commitment, and passion it takes not to kill all the little Nemos.
Equipped with my fantastic plastic (aka the Nifty Fifty) , I was able to capture a few images. Enjoy.