The NY Giants took on the (favored) New England Patriots - Tom Brady vs. Eli "I-don't-wanna-go-to-San-Diego" Manning. Ever since that 2004 draft, I have had a love/ hate relationship with that Manning family. On one hand, I can't believe in someone who pouts and whines about being drafted to a great team, but on the other hand I really enjoyed watching the Colts *almost* win the Superbowl a couple years ago.

So instead of focusing on the game, the crew and I focused on the commercials, the food, and the fact that -regardless of the season- our friendships continue to maintain healthy levels of laughter.
In a move of pure selfishness, I bought Hubby a smoker. Yup, a red hot smoker for my smoking hot husband. (I wrote that on the card... I thought it was clever)
We put pork butt, tri tip, kielbasa sausage, and a rack of ribs in that sucker to see what it could do. Hours and hours of smoking plus a quick turn on the hot grill produced fall off the bone, delicious, succulent meat that was still as tender the next day. The pork butt was smoked for almost 10 hours then placed in a crock pot to eventually transform into a tender and flavorful pulled pork.
Needless to say, we ate pretty well during the game. MM brought a delicious pasta salad (that we all packed for lunch the next day) and Sissy made Pão de Queijo to Mrs. Sensei's surprise and to my delight. Talk about DE-LICI-OUS! After eating (too much) we laughed a bit more and talked about our favorite commercials.
After much reflection, the top three commercials of this year's Superbowl are:
#3 - The H&M commercial... no explanation needed.
#2 - The M&M commercial because the naked M&M sings, "I'm sexy and I know it" That's the little one's favorite song :)
#1 - The Hyundai car versus the cheetah commercial, where the cheetah turns around and chases the guy who opened the cage. It made me laugh out loud because Hubby goes back to K-9 this week and our new family member (Ace) just might do what that cheetah did in the commercial. Yeah, I know I shouldn't laugh. I may laugh a bit inappropriately, but at least I've never complained about being in San Diego.
Because this entry is all about how I'm kind of a foodie, I'll end with one more picture from Operation Carb Load last month. I'm pretty sure that the Carb Load Party was my favorite part of the half marathon. See why?

So instead of focusing on the game, the crew and I focused on the commercials, the food, and the fact that -regardless of the season- our friendships continue to maintain healthy levels of laughter.
In a move of pure selfishness, I bought Hubby a smoker. Yup, a red hot smoker for my smoking hot husband. (I wrote that on the card... I thought it was clever)
We put pork butt, tri tip, kielbasa sausage, and a rack of ribs in that sucker to see what it could do. Hours and hours of smoking plus a quick turn on the hot grill produced fall off the bone, delicious, succulent meat that was still as tender the next day. The pork butt was smoked for almost 10 hours then placed in a crock pot to eventually transform into a tender and flavorful pulled pork.
Needless to say, we ate pretty well during the game. MM brought a delicious pasta salad (that we all packed for lunch the next day) and Sissy made Pão de Queijo to Mrs. Sensei's surprise and to my delight. Talk about DE-LICI-OUS! After eating (too much) we laughed a bit more and talked about our favorite commercials.
After much reflection, the top three commercials of this year's Superbowl are:
#3 - The H&M commercial... no explanation needed.
#2 - The M&M commercial because the naked M&M sings, "I'm sexy and I know it" That's the little one's favorite song :)
#1 - The Hyundai car versus the cheetah commercial, where the cheetah turns around and chases the guy who opened the cage. It made me laugh out loud because Hubby goes back to K-9 this week and our new family member (Ace) just might do what that cheetah did in the commercial. Yeah, I know I shouldn't laugh. I may laugh a bit inappropriately, but at least I've never complained about being in San Diego.
Because this entry is all about how I'm kind of a foodie, I'll end with one more picture from Operation Carb Load last month. I'm pretty sure that the Carb Load Party was my favorite part of the half marathon. See why?
Not Superbowl eats, but a quick pix from the "CARB LOAD PARTY" |