Saturday, January 14, 2012

Splashing in puddles and picking up seashells

With one week until the big run, the girls and I hit Solana Beach for a 9 mile run to Torrey Pines and back.  What I expected was nine miles of sweat, crying, and swelling of the knees.  What I got was an hour and a half of chasing birds, splashing puddles, collecting shells, and - most importantly - QT with my cuties.  
I'm not gonna lie:  39 Degrees stings. Literally. When we started our run at 7:15, the wind was doing a great job penetrating right through the clothing, shoes included. By the time we hit the sand, the ocean water didn't take its time getting in my shoe. But I dare not complain because in turn, I got to hangout with some of the coolest chick I know.  Just good people.

I may not necessarily enjoy running, but I do appreciate the time I get to spend with my girlfriends staying active and strengthening our friendship.  What a blessing to have a group of friends that have solid families, great kids, and a genuine love for me, my Hubby, and the boys.  God's really taking care of me.

The snail shaped shell,  I picked up when we hit the 4 mile mark and I thought I might die.
The beige and brown "perfect" shell I picked up when we made it to Torrey Pines.
The really big white one I picked up right after I ran to to scare a group of birds...just to watch them fly away because it is so pretty.
And  the sand dollar I picked up because... well, it's a sand dollar.  That's cool.

I think I'll make each of the girls a cheesy piece of shell jewelry with the treasures I picked up this morning.

Or maybe I'll keep going to the beach and collecting them.  When I have a lot, I'll glue them to the mailbox. 

Or maybe I'll pull out all my old hula stuff and stick them to a headpiece or tassel belt.

Or maybe I'll keep them for a few days, then toss them. 

First, I better go ice my knee though.  I guess swollen joints is part of the nine mile package.