Christmas cards. Everyone sends them. Some are more simple than others, but for weeks after Thanksgiving, we get them almost daily.
I love hearing from our friends and family, near and far. It seems that with things like Facebook it becomes less and less personal (Gosh, I would even group this blog in that same category!) I get that technology today allows for us to keep in touch and stay updated with those we love. But it really is great to get that envelope in the snail mail once a year with tangible pictures, not just digital attachments.
I started thinking about Christmas pictures in June when I mentioned to J-Shutterbug that we should shoot each other again. Problem is that with - well, I guess we call them kids - it is hard to set aside time to do a "quick" family picture.
Here is my feeble attempt at portraits of the kids. If you will notice, I was clearly not specific enough with my very general instructions: Get dressed , boys. We are taking pictures, so put on a clean shirt and get a festive hat."
After the requested "costume change" the pictures did not get any better. In fact, we ended without one that works. As you can see from the picture below, it ended when someone got hurt. Seems that how it always ends with sons.