Monday, December 19, 2011

A Simple Request Gone Wrong

Christmas cards.  Everyone sends them.  Some are more simple than others, but for weeks after Thanksgiving, we get them almost daily. 

I love hearing from our friends and family, near and far.  It seems that with things like Facebook it becomes less and less personal (Gosh, I would even group this blog in that same category!)  I get that technology today allows for us to keep in touch and stay updated with those we love.  But it really is great to get that envelope in the snail mail once a year with tangible pictures, not just digital attachments.

I started thinking about Christmas pictures in June when I mentioned to J-Shutterbug that we should shoot each other again.  Problem is that with - well, I guess we call them kids - it is hard to set aside time to do a "quick" family picture.

So here I am, a week before Christmas, with visions of sending out the cards " no later than New Years." 

Here is my feeble attempt at portraits of the kids.  If you will notice, I was clearly not specific enough with my very general instructions:  Get dressed , boys.  We are taking pictures, so put on a clean shirt and get a festive hat."

After the requested "costume change"  the pictures did not get any better.  In fact, we ended without one that works.  As you can see from the picture below, it ended when someone got hurt.  Seems that how it always ends with sons.

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Three will be Four in One

Three babies in January 2008.  Three 4 year olds in 2012.  One month.

Sis and I used to think, "When the babies are four, it will be easier!"

I have to say that it has been a wonderful experience having so many little ones in our family.  I love watching the kids interact with each other.  Their little personalities are just so unique, but the commonality is that they are all so so sweet and cuddly.  Even at (almost) four, they simply love to snuggle, hug, kiss, and be picked up. 

Looking forward to entering the new year with three four year olds. One month to plan this party... the big difference from last year is that everyone has a (verbal) opinion.   Yup, they are for sure FOUR.

Easier? Um, well... there are three of them.

Monday, December 12, 2011

Get there... by running

It all started one day at the dojo when MM asked, "Who wants to run a marathon?"  Of course, I was quick to say NO but Mrs. Sensei said, "Sure!  That's a great idea!"  Thus began the peer pressure. So, 3 months later and I am in the process of training to run 13.1 miles just because...well... because my friends are doing it.  Great reason, I know.

When the madness started, I could run about 2 minutes (literally) before the need to stop, take off my shoes, and open a beer.  But I kept going and soon 2 minutes turned to 5, and 5 turned to 10.  It has been a very slow process, but at least I'm running the hamster wheel with friends.

Miramar Lake has become the weekly meeting place.  It has worked out well because there are markers every quarter mile.  In October, we ran Light the Night 5k in Balboa Park dressed like bunnies.  On Thanksgiving, we ran the 10k for Run for the Hungry in Downtown.  Hubby ran with us and ended up having to run backwards to keep pace with me.  Ah, true love.

With December's cruel weather (a whooping 65 degrees, but I'm a SoCal gal, so I'm super sensitive!)  I've resorted to running on a treadmill that Hubby set up for me in the garage.  Although it gets a little boring after the first few minutes, I'm finding that I get my motivation from this stupid Nike app that I downloaded on my phone.  It keeps "unlocking" voices that give me words of encouragement.  Kind of silly, I know, but I get my kicks from Lance Armstrong telling me things like, " You just set a new record for the 10k!"  I wonder where I'll get the motivation once all the levels have been unlocked...

At least it's easier than Crossfit.

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Six Months later...

It has been (literally) six months since my last blog.  I can tell you exactly why too:  FOOTBALL.  8-0 regular season, round 2 of the playoffs, and second place at a tournament.  Nationally ranked #8 in the Nation according to D1 youth football rankings.  Not bad.  New friends, great family time, lots and lots of food,  swim parties, running around following the kids, and basically focusing energy on the people that matter...not the blog.

Since my last entry, the boys have finished summer sports and started school again.  The little one is finally potty trained...thank God.  And hubby and I are as strong as we have ever been, surrounded by genuine friends that love us enough to keep hanging out, despite the craziness of having the three boys and allllllll their friends, activities, energy, and antics.

The easiest way for me to recap the later part of 2011 for our family can be condensed to three simple truths:

1) God is Good.
2) Kids soak up all sorts of energy, but they are the only thing worth investing in.
3) When in doubt, family will come through. Period.

Lesson #1 - God is Good.

At church, the pastor said that sometime God manifests himself in unlikely ways.  He also said that God is brightest when it is the darkest.  All I can say to that is AMEN.  I realize that the beginning of this Christian walk started in a time that I would now regard as a dark time.  But from it comes massive light and energy.  I've also learned that I have to understand that I may not understand.  It's crazy because it is simply true. 

Today, I would say that God works in great ways in my life.  For that I thank the darkness , for from it came light.

Lesson #2 - Kids soak up all sorts of energy, but they are the only thing worth investing in. 

Let's face it, I'd rather have a glass of wine and watch the last episode of Glee than sit in the cold at football practice.  Our coaches never *really* ended at 7:00 and even when it was dark out, if the plays were not learned, the boys stayed until they got it.

 But man oh man when those boys (my boys? all 30 of them? yup.) won one, then two, then three...then 8 games in row, all those cold nights thinking about coffee were absolutely worth it. No buts. More importantly, the ability to make friends - with players and their families- all I can say in PRICELESS. 

The coaches and other parents have become a wonderful unit of friends that shared a common love. And with it now over, I can say we are two for two when it comes to successful
 football seasons. 

Yup, 6 months of driving to Otay Ranch, Temecula, Olympian and beyond is time consuming and tiresome, but the benefits well out weigh the temporary costs.  Great investment of time as far as I'm concerned. 

Mix football with jiu jitsu practice and what we get is a full calendar with no room for wine or Glee. 

Is it quiet? No. Is it worth it?  Yes, in fact it is quite simply the only thing worth investing your time in because you get so much back.

Lesson #3 : When in doubt, family will come through. Period.

I've known this for years.  The past six months have reinforced it.  Ups and downs, through it all, those we call family are there.   We have a few close friends that we call family.  They are the people that are honest and truthful.  They love our kids, keep us in their thoughts, and have our best interests at heart - always.  They serve as a mirror to what is important and real in our lives and for them we are thankful for their genuine love and unconditional friendship.

Sissy and No Neck are dependable like the sun rising everyday when it comes to true need. It's great to have that kind of relationship with family.  One day, I know my children will grow up to understand that -although we don't pick our family-we should always choose our family in times of need because they choose us. 

With that said,   Don't trust No Neck with a "secret".   He takes the "surprise" out of surprise party - literally- every time. But he is truthful as they come, strong as an ox, and loves the kids... despite hitting them in the center of the chest each time he sees them.