Thursday, June 17, 2010

Life is a Zoo around here

To celebrate the first family day of summer, we went out.

What that means is that Hubby and I packed the car with all the needed resources for the day, and off we went for a day of fun. Stop one: the zoo. Annual passes from "Ninong" allows for us to enjoy several hours seeing some of the most beautiful creatures. #1 likes the hippos, #2 likes the meerkats, and #3 - the elephants. Of course, the exhibit wouldn't be complete without the DUNG BEETLE section. The boys were laughing and I was just grossed out.
We spent the majority of our time in the new Elephant Odyssey exhibit. Th kids had a great time watching the massive animals eat and lounge around in their beautiful exhibit.
One of the reasons we like the zoo so much is that we can go over and over and over again and it is never the same. The animals are so close and the kids can learn so much from just walking around and reading about natural habitat and all that stuff.
As I looked around this time, I realized that the zoo really has undergone a transformation in the last 10 years. Plants, waterfalls, exhibits that look less like cages and more like, well, nature. Another reason to love San Diego.

Next stop after the zoo was a quick lunch and bowl at East Tavern in Downtown followed by 4 innings of some good ol' Pardes baseball.

Yup, summer days together. Doesn't get better than this.