If it isn't official yet, it will be. My neighbors will officially hate me because of the new hobby I've decided to pick up this summer.

I attended my very first Jazz Concert this school year and let me just say... I'm in love. I have always wanted to play an instrument, so I started 'hangin out' in the band room to see what I could find. What I found was a great French guy willing to let me tag along with him on field trips and at practices.

Although my #1 guy played the trumpet in the 5th grade band this past year, I decided very early on that an instrument that I had to actually blow into wasn't for me. I just have issues with the mouth piece part. Gross.
So... I decided that I am a percussionist.

My newest purchase to start the summer right is a 5 piece drum set, complete with cymbals. Step two will be to get a coach this summer to teach me how to play it, and step 3 will be to actually be able to play with other people. Maybe if I work really hard, I'll be good enough to play with the 6th grade band next school year.
Yup, my neighbors are going to hate me.