It must be the season.
Baby must be the new black.
The universe is giving us a message...
Whatever it is, babies are popping up everywhere! In the last few months, I have witnessed multiple friends welcome new members to their family. Evey Hubby's sister is expecting a new little guy later this year.
It must be something in the water.
(I better be careful about the water I drink.)

When Hubby and I found out that we were having a boy for the third time (a couple of years ago) he was so excited. But part of me wanted to try again for the little girl. It isn't until recently that I am starting to realize that God's mater plan for me does not include a fourth child. I already look around my house and think, "Was it a tornado or just the baby?" Plus, as the boys get older, I am able to enjoy their company in a different, not so needy way. They tell me funny stories about school and ask for help with homework. The big boys help with the little one and keep baby entertained so I can take a shower in the evening. They can even empty the dishwasher and cook simple meals. In the past, I would hear people say, "I like babies but I don't want another." And , I never understood that. I never understood the part where people just didn't want more and more and more.
But now that I look at what I have in life, I feel at peace. And complete.
Plus with all the dogs around here, it really takes a lot of work to make this house a home. (The boys can help with the dogs too!)
Sissy has two little girls that I love like my own. With summer upon us, I'm sure that I can have more "steal" days with the kids. It should be easy to take them... I'll just have to wait until Sis and No Neck leave for work everyday.
I love the babies. They are so cute and little. They smell good.
And, it's a good thing there are a lot of babies for me to get my fill.