Saturday, May 22, 2010
When Sensei asked for the boys to help with a community service demonstration, we jumped on the opportunity to have our boys learn a little about giving back to the community. Sensei was to conduct a brief demonstartion on self denfense to a group of children in the North County. So, off we went.
Turns out the the group of children were actually girl scouts. The girl scout troop was having a function to celebrate being fabulous, and the boys and Sensei were there to talk to them about starnger danger.
And so, my wonderful boys put on their brave faces and assisted with the demonstration. The majority of the demonstarion was used to allow each girl to take turns knocking my boys exercise in self defense in case they are attacked. The boys were very good about stressing proper technique and allowed each of the girls a turn at knocking them down...over and over and over again.
As always, Hubby and I were so proud that our boys could pay it forward by sharing their skills with others.