Saturday was filled with trips to the MAC store, hair appointments, and a mixer at Confidential downtown. Then, the show. The Salute for Teachers is something that I really haven't blogged about before because, well, it is embarrassing. In a nutshell, I won for teacher of the year at my school, then again at my district. Then, the night of Salute for Teachers, I was selected as one of the top ten finalist for San Diego County. Now that is crazy. I am by no means an instructional leader, nor am I vocal about curricular change or technological advancement. I'm just a teacher that cares about kids and wants to do a good job. Oh, and I also want everyone to get along...that includes the grown ups.
After the show, I had a great time at the Local with friends who came out to celebrate. It was also M and S's anniversary (12 years!) so there were a lot of blessings to be thankful for that night.
As if things couldn't get better, Hubby and the boys surprised me with a special little guy. Take a look.

The highlight of the weekend? Well, that's a tough one. I can tell you this though: On top of everything else, I won the football pool at work. Life is great.