Proud parents we are to two young men with white-yellow belts in jiu jitsu. The boys attended the belt promotion ceremony at the San Marcos Carlson Gracie dojo in April. It is a great set up, with parents able to watch from above and students learning on the lower level with weight bags, a ring, and a large mat area for rolling.
The boys waited patiently as everyone received their belts one at a time. Luckily, Grandma and Grandpa came along to hold the sleeping baby, while I took pictures of the whole event.
The boys will continue to go to jiu jitsu this summer, which is great because hubby and I have made some great friends at the dojo. While the children learn, all the mommies and daddies in a small area behind glass. It is good there is glass because the moms and dads get loud sometimes. I suspect it will be a fun summer. Plus , the dojo families like to have barbecues and beach parties, so they are definitely our kind of people.