It's been a very busy week! First, there was a Patriotic Program at school. All the second graders sang songs and recited facts and poems about American history. (At one point I thought: 1) These little second graders could quite possibly know more than my 8th graders and 2) I could never teach 2nd grade) My son, of course, did a fabulous job. He was animated and sang loudly... that's my boy!
In the fourth grade, the kids had a candy filled, sugar driven Valentine's Day party. Each student was asked to bring a box to fill with cards and notes from classmates. Naturally, the Pokemon fanatic in the house decided to give his box a theme. Needless to say, the end product was creative, fun, unique, and all about him. He did it by himself with a few sheets of scrapbook paper, scissors, and a glue stick. I wonder where he gets that level of creativity?

The boys and I are so excited to have an entire week off from school. No big plans, rather the opposite. Nothing planned. I love it.