To keep in line with my resolution of taking more pictures, a friend and I are starting a little project: Boudoir Photography. It's a little racy, a little sassy, and a little out of my comfort zone... the perfect new endeavor! We are in the process of getting all the details together and in the next few weeks we will have everything up and running. Where I've been lucky is that close friends (no names!) are so willing to "model" for me. Now, that's true friendship if you ask me.
Baby and Kuya will be celebrating their (shared) birthday on the 18th. Yes, for those who don't know, #2 and #3 share Janruary 18th as their special day. I was worried at first when baby came on big bros day, but it seems that #2 has decided that it is actually pretty cool to share that day. I think that he realizes how special something like that is for brothers. So, for now we will keep it as a dual celebration. Worst case scenario, I start lying to baby when he's older. I hope it doesn't come to that.
Next blog, I'll make sure to post pictures from the big (dual) day. Until then, anyone want to pose for a picture??