I love Spring Break. It's one of the perks of being a teacher... natural breaks in my work year to play with my kids. This break our family took a much needed trip together and ended up in New York City! The next several blogs will be dedicated to this trip, but I will have to go slow. Having a baby and two very active big boys only allows me to write a few thoughts down at a time. And since we spent 4 days in the big city, I will simply have to blog about specific highlights one at a time. I'll start with the reason we chose NYC verses anywhere else...

With the two really into the whole Pokemon thing, it was too easy to decide that we would take a trip to the only Pokemon Center in the United States. We researched and found that there was a place dedicated only to Pokemon merchandise... decorations.. hard to find items... rare cards. The whole nine yards. So, we booked and kept it a secret.
Well, the joke was on us. After paying for non refundable tickets on priceline.com, we found out that the famous Pokemon Center was actually closed and replaced with Nintendo World.

All the same, the boys enjoyed the store so much. Plus, in Nintendo World, there is a whole area dedicated to Pokemon and all of the merchandise that Nintendo makes that is related to Pokemon.
Lucky us. Even baby had a fun time playing games at the DS station that is set up in the middle of the store.

At the same time, also located in Rockefeller Center was the American Girl Place - one of only three that exist in the United States. With Le Bear in mind, I sought out to quickly pick out a few things for her and "Megan." What I found was a store filled with little girls and their lovely dolls...and there pushy, obsessive moms in search of all the accessories that their daughters MUST own. It was crazy and for the first time even a tiny piece of me was glad that I didn't have girls. The feeling quickly passed when I went to the 4th floor (Yes! FOUR floors!) and found the Twinks behind glass. At that point, I was simply looking for a reason, any reason, to take the beautiful dolls home and set them up on a display stand amid my Lladro collection.

Next blog: The Street performers in Central Park. Not exactly America's Best Dance Crew, but a memorable experience for us.