I'm so proud of sissy. With four small children running around her house, she has what one can only call loving CHAOS going on. She has everything: boys toys, girls toys, baby toys (times two, of course) Add on to the fact the no neck husband is like a kid too, and sis has a regular zoo.
(No neck, don't even try to
fake it... we all know how much you like toys too.)

Luckily she is kind of a superwoman and takes it all one step at a time. Her
latest super feat was a super successful purge day. She invited friends to help her d
eclutter, getting rid of everything she no longer needs: clothes (for all 6 of them), toys, baby items, shoes, all the good stuff. In addition, she got rid of all the things that she once thought she would need, but realized was simply "stuff" that was being saved for a rainy day.
The cougar crew came for the morning with their things too and it turned into a swap fest with me scoring a few key items (the
poncho is my favorite)
I kind of wish I took the teeth whitening set too. And it's too bad sis didn't keep the red pants...hot.